
Should I Send Save The Dates? | Wedding Photographer’s Planning Tips

Planning Tips

A Save-the-Date for reference for this "wedding planning tips" post

Planning a wedding? You’re probably stressed about a few hundred things right now. So you wonder to yourself: do I really need to send out Save-the-Dates? It’s just one more thing right? Well let us give you some wedding planning tips to help save you some headache!

The question still stands: do you really need Save-the-Dates? Well, yes and no! Let us ‘splain:

While Save-the-Dates are a nice way to let guests know the details of your Big Day, they aren’t a hard and fast rule for wedding planning!

Save-the-Dates can be kept or cut based on your budget. You could even decide to send them out electronically if your budget is running a bit tight!

Here’s the deal: No one is going to call you out for not sending out save the dates (probably, we all have some crazy people in our lives)!

Here are the prime reasons to send out Save the Dates

If your wedding date is far out.

Sending out Save-the-Dates for a wedding that is in the fall and it’s the middle of summer, probably not super necessary (unless you want to). Sending them out when your wedding is in two or three years? That’s different! Your guests may need to be able to plan ahead. 

The ceremony is on a holiday or busy weekend.

Putting something like a wedding on the calendar comes with some difficulties. The event is usually several hours and the reception can last awhile itself, after all, everyone likes an after party! Giving your guests some time to plan by sending Save-the-Dates will give them the time to enjoy the day when it comes! Less grumpy guests, more party atmosphere (after the ceremony of course)!

You expect a lot of out of town guests.

You know your uncle and aunt from New York want to come and see their favorite niece get hitched, but that’s a long way to come when you’re getting hitched in Nebraska! Save-the-Dates give out-of-town guests the time they need to plan a trip from wherever they’re coming from, to wherever your wedding is! Booking hotels, finding people to stay with, and packing up, all take time so you want your favorite people to have the extra time needed to plan so that they can come with one thing in mind: celebrating your wedding day!

We hope these few wedding planning tips have been helpful! We want all the best for your Big Day! Check us out if you need to capture the special moments on that Big Day! 

Happy Planning,

Nicole & Ryan

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