Destiny graced the front of our camera a week ago at her home on the outskirts of Cincinnati for her senior photos. We met Destiny over 2 years ago when she was a bridesmaid at her big sister wedding. After speaking with her mom, we were excited to be able to capture this amazing time for her.During her high school career, Destiny became involved in JROTC. She has earned various metal and adornments to commemorate her achievements. Due to all adornments, her friends know when she is coming down the hall as she jingles when she walks.
As part of her session, Destiny changed into her ACUs. Behind her house was a creek bed and thankfully it was mostly dry. We went down there to capture some images that gave a more rugged feeling. Perfect fit… as you ALMOST blended into the creek bed!
She had to get a photo with her adorable so to be step-daughter!
Being a country girl at heart, it was only fitting that we headed out to this amazing, flower filled field behind her house. Our view was stunning and placing Destiny in it only made so much better.
What is a country gal without her horse! He was not in the most cooperative mood, but this did not deter Destiny from enjoying her time leading him around the yard. We really saw her beautiful smile and laid-back personality shine.
After high school, Destiny will be relocating to North Carolina to attend Methodist University for Athletic Training and Sports Management. She will continue participating in the RTOC program and enlist into the reserves. Along with college, she will be marrying her Soldier this summer and being a step-mom to his baby girl.
Destiny, we were excited to capture this amazing in your life. You are amazing, sweet, fun, and spunky young woman. It was a pleasure to hang out with you and we are excited to see where life takes you. We know that you will do amazing things!
Have an amazing day,
Nicole & Ryan