Let it snow. Let it snow. Let it snow. And… it snowed! It was our first snow of the winter and of the new year. So what else can you do other than stay at home and enjoy it. One of our goals for the year was to be more present, especially with the kids. It’s hard when you work a full-time job and are in the middle of really getting your personal business together. There are only so many hours in the day. But this weekend, we put aside responding to emails, editing photos, or writing blogs to hang out and play in the snow. (FYI.. this blog was written when the kiddo was relaxing for the evening right before bed time). We had to attend a funeral on Saturday morning but afterwards, we made a pit stop at Kroger to grab some snacks for the evening. Believe it or not… the store was fairly empty and there was plenty of milk and bread left on the shelves. We did buy milk, but not because of the snow, but because we needed it. As soon as we reached home, Caleb decided he needed to be outside. So, we bundled him up with many layers of clothes… and a special touch from Nicole. We didn’t have snow boots at the house for him and only had a pair of canvas slide on shoes. To help keep his feet as dry as possible, we tied Kroger plastic bags over his multiple layers of socks. Guess what… it worked pretty darn well.
Throughout the 2 days of the weekend, Caleb has been outside for as long as we allowed him. He spent his time building snowman, creating giant balls of snow to turn into igloos, sled riding on his new sled from Christmas, and even joined in on the snowball fight.
Only snow from Nicole’s car would do for building a snowman…. hey no complaints here, just meant less snow for Nicole to clean off her car.
After running out of reachable snow from Nicole’s car, he had to look other places.
This was the face Nicole got when she accidentally walked into his snow angle.
On the hunt for arms.
The first snowman of the adventure… we didn’t have a carrot, so we improvised with a pipe cleaner.
Second snowman of the weekend… according to Caleb it has “big butt cheeks” This snowman definitely has junk in the trunk.
The snowman was dissembled and being relocated to start on the igloo construction.
Out of the two boys, Caleb tends to be a little bit more on the shy side. When the other kids around started coming over and asking him to play, our hearts jumped with joy. We know it can be hard to make friends, especially when you’re the new kid in the neighborhood. Guess snow brings everyone together!
Igloo construction underway.
Ryan walked out to a being attacked by snowballs!
Caleb attacked from behind…
But Ryan got him back!
Nicole made a snowball… wasn’t very big…
Even though it was slightly cold, and we may not have been as prepared as possible for the snow storm (Nicole had to give up her warm hat to Caleb and the snow gloves were a little big since they were Jacob’s), the weekend was filled with lots of laughter and flying snow while we made memories. Share how you enjoyed the snow over the weekend!
Stay Warm,
Nicole & Ryan