
3 Month Milestone of Ryleigh


Good Wednesday morning everyone! We hope you had an amazing week… We have had a great week. We spent some times with our closest friends this weekend to celebrate Ryan’s Birthday! He has officially left the 20’s club and joined Nicole is the 30’s club!

Speaking of babies… we are super excited to share these super cute 3 Month Old photos of Miss Ryleigh. It’s amazing how much she has grown in such a short amount of time! That is one of our favorite parts doing a baby’s first year milestone sessions… to watch them slowing develop their personalities and watch them grown quicker than weeds! This is a perfect opportunity to check out her Newborn Session if you missed it!

Ryleigh is showing starting to show so much personality! She occasionally would give us a few smiles but typically we just got growls. Talk about super adorable!Needless to say, tummy time did not go well! Luckily, daddy and his funny noises came to the rescue! We were able to get A cute photo!

Of course, Mr. Zander had to make a, Ryleigh’s big brother, had to make an appearance! We snagged a couple quick photos of him with Simba while his sister was getting some food! These are the precious moments that we absolutely love… this image just oozes innocence.

We did a few of these two cuties together. Using Zander, we are able to measure how much Ryleigh has grown in the past few months! Ah…. Just image how her next session!

Someone didn’t want to share the spotlight with her brother!

Look at those pretty blue eyes!!!! How can you not love them!

We are so excited to watch Ryleigh continue to grow and cannot wait till her next session! We have already started planning with her mom about doing a summer theme… O.M.G. a baby + water + bathing suit = can’t wait!

Have a Fantastic Week!

Nicole and Ryan

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