Spending time away from our computers and with our family always makes for a great weekend! This past week, we took some personal time and didn’t spend TONS of time working (except we sent a final gallery of images to Emily and Lucas… Check out their blog HERE if you missed out a few weeks ago). Running our own business can be stressful, so when we were talking earlier last week, we made a choice to take a weekend o of work. This worked out perfectly, as Ryan’s mom asked us to help with the 2 little guys, Elijah and Micah, while his sister took some time away for a mini vacation… kid free (Definitely, don’t blame her!)

Yes, we decided to step away from the business for the weekend… but that doesn’t mean we stepped away from our camera (or at least Nicole didn’t). We decided to do a mini milestone session with Micah while hanging out at his mom’s place on Sunday. Hard to believe this cute guy is already four months old! We didn’t have an opportunity to get capture his three-month milestone… but four months is just about the same (right?!).
Micah is full of smiles and very easy going. Finally, his acid reflux is starting to get under control, but he has not stopped him from being a sticky baby. Micah is drooling like crazy… all this means is that it’s only a matter of time for him to have some teeth break through. He loves to be talked to, and he’s a little ticklish. He would smile with minimal effort at all, and if you played with his feet, life was good!
He will enjoy sitting up with help, having big brothers and sister talk to him, being outside, and will still smile with tummy time. He’s able to grab onto his feet with help for a few moments. Micah will be rolling over very shortly… he will get about 90% on his belly, and then he cannot get his arm out from under himself causing him to roll back over to his back.
We are super excited to watch Micah continue to grow and learn new things! It’s an amazing thing watching a child grow and discover new things. The simple things bring the greatest enjoyment to him.

BABY FEET are amazing!!!!


How can you not love this smile!

His love for this ball was unreal!

Have a great day!
Nicole and Ryan